Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Kiddy Kit

Make a survival kit for your little ones to keep them occupied and entertained while visiting friends or in a meeting - containing a small pack of coloured pencils or crayons, paper pad, small matchbox sized cars or small dolls or other small toys. Add a juice pack or milk and some crackers. Make sure to also pack some wet wipes. Pack these items in a small pull-string bag. (boxes tend to make noise).

- R. Laklem

Sunday, January 01, 2006

In Your Sight - In Your Mind

Hang Times Tables up on the back of the toilet door
Repetition assured!

- R. Laklem

Lost and Found

To avoid the ‘odd sock’ syndrome, buy socks in the same brand and same colour. That way you will always have a matching pair.

- R. Laklem

Have a Handy Hint to Share?

Do you have a Handy Hint that works for you?

Don't hesitate to share it!

Email me on: laklem@hotmail.com

Acknowledgement given.

The Graffiti-nator

Preschooler's graffiti-masterpieces on your walls?

Here's something that really works - Jif Cream Cleanser. Rub a bit (concentrated, not diluted) on the spot, and scrub with a dry clean chux cloth. Pencil, marker pens, pen - all come off easily and it doesn't damage paintwork.

- R. Laklem